Grace-B by Alison Spanyol

Alison Spanyol

GraceB Mediterranean influence

GraceB designer, Alison Spanyol grew up in Suffolk. After gaining a first class degree in Fine Art at Staffordshire University, she went to complete an MA in Printmaking at Camberwell School of Art.

It was at Camberwell that she specialised in screen-printing incorporating sewn elements within both paper and fabric prints. After college she continued to sew and experimented with applique and cut work, layering and cutting away fabric in the same way as she had done with colour in her screen-prints. She sold her handmade appliqued bags at London’s Columbia Road and Spitalfields markets.

She went on to make larger works which were elaborate embroidered and appliqued patchwork blankets. Their theme was ‘The Joy of Life’ and they depicted flowers, fruit and domestic objects.

This has led to the use of recycled cashmere where a number of pieces are sewn together and overlain with a single image using embroidery and applique. They depict animals, birds, fruit, flowers and images inspired by Mediterranean holidays and memories of a rural childhood. She also has a range of cashmere and cotton scarves.

Every piece that Alison makes is unique and is entirely designed and handmade by her.


Please get in touch

If you would like any further information about GraceB, if you would like to see any of the range or, if you are a retailer and would like to stock some GraceB items, please complete and submit the form below.

Alison also undertakes commissions to make bespoke personalised pieces to suit all occasions. If you think you may be interested in having an original work produced to your own specification, just detail an outline of what you want below, submit the form and we will be in touch.

GraceB patchwork blanket


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Alison Spanyol

GraceB Alison

9 Cannon Street, Deal, Kent, CT14 6QA •  T: 01304 368404 •  M: 07932 190361 •  E:

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